We Have Received Your Claim Information

Monthly Chance to Win: Gift Card
Customer Service is our North Star. To help us with continuous improvements, the Claims Department wants to offer you an incentive for your feedback. Monthly, all contract holders that reached out to us will have a chance to win a Gift Card!
How It Works:
Just answer a few customer service questions via a link your claims adjuster will send you from Survey Monkey. Drawings are monthly. Thanks for your participation.
Why others partner with Eagle Extended Service Protection Corporation.
Customer Service Is Our Top Priority
Every EESPC staff member has the training, experience, knowledge and commitment to excellence to ensure your questions and requests will be handled in a highly professional manner.
Eagle Extended Service Protection Corporation
PO BOX 639
Madison, OH 44057
Phone: (800) 377-3269 Fax: faxes@eagleesp.com